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Description: How Pink Floyd made Animals, from recording the music to capturing the iconic cover image with the inflatable pig, the album was not without its problems. Find out what outside forces influenced the writing and what Pink Floyd thought of the record. #PinkFloyd #Animals #VinylRewind Intro 0:00 Background 0:47 Recording 2:40 Outside Forces 4:29 Concept 6:44 New Sound 9:21 Snowy White 10:20 Inflatable Pig 11:35 Outro 13:58 ►SOURCES "Pink Floyd: The Story." Omnibus. Season 32, Episode 6. 15 Nov. 1994. Television. The Pink Floyd Story: Which One's Pink? Directed by Chris Rodley, BBC, 2007 Blake, Mark. Comfortably Numb The Inside Story of Pink Floyd. Da Capo Press, 2008. Capital Radio Pink Floyd Story. “Part 6.” Deal, David. “Pink Floyd’s “Animals”: The Story Behind the Album Cover.” Festival Peak, February 2016, Deriso, Nick. “When Pink Floyd's Giant Inflatable Pig Broke Free.” Ultimate Classic Rock, 3 December 2012, Fitch, Vernon, and Richard Mahon. Comfortably Numb A History of “The Wall” Pink Floyd 1978-1981. PFA Publishing, Inc., 2006. Guesdon, Jean-Michel, and Philippe Margothin. Pink Floyd All The Songs. Éditions du Chêne/EPA—Hachette Livre, Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers, 2017. Mason, Nick. Inside Out A Personal History of Pink Floyd. Chronicle Books LLC, 2017. McInnis, Mike. “Britannia Row Studios, London.”, Music Milestones. Pink Floyd Album by Album: The Definitive History. Future Publishing Limited, 2015, Povey, Glenn. Echoes: The Complete History of Pink Floyd. Chicago Review Press, Inc,, 2010. Scarfe, Gerald. The Making of Pink Floyd The Wall. Da Capo Press, 2010. Simmons, Sylvie. “Pink Floyd: Goodbye Blue Sky.” Guitar World Magazine, no. October, 2009. V&A Publishing. Pink Floyd Their Mortal Remains. London, V&A Publishing, 2017. Ward, Dave. All In the Nuclear Family, ►PATREON ►SUBSCRIBE ►CONTACT 916-C W. Burbank Blvd #176 Burbank, CA 91506 ►CATCH UP WITH THE SERIES ►OFFICIAL SITE: ►FACEBOOK: ►INSTAGRAM: ►TWITTER: Vinyl Rewind is your home for vinyl related content on YouTube. Each week, new uploads feature vinyl-based music reviews, video essays, artist interviews, cocktails and collecting tips, for both the novice and expert collectors. Vinyl Rewind is dedicated to preserving an analogue lifestyle in the digital age. Watch-Listen-Learn Help us caption & translate this video!